Blog Post Four: Seasonal Tea Drinking and My Current Obsession.

Hi guys,

Another free-form blog post this week as my drinking habits have drifted into a more relaxed approach, somewhat discouraging me to review teas in-depth. I have been actively observing how my tea tastes have changed dramatically with the seasons and decided that this is likely a topic that most people can relate to, and a topic that I find fascinating.

My usual line up of teas consisting almost exclusively of Hei Cha and dark Oolong that kept me warm and comforted throughout the colder months has lately flipped to favour Raw Puerh and White Tea. As someone who drinks almost no Raw Puerh during the colder months I was quite surprised by my seemingly sudden craving for that floral, citrusy, clean and bitter flavour profile. As well as that, I have been drinking a respectable amount of White Tea, favouring Fujian White Tea over my usual Yunnan leanings.

It is a natural anomaly that I know I am not alone in experiencing, and one that effortlessly introduces more variety into my daily tea rotations. I find myself discovering teas that I would rarely take interest in otherwise.

So, what teas AM I drinking and do I have any recommendations? Yes, I do. Here are a few that you can grab if you fancy joining in on my hot-weather tea obsessions.

First, the tea I have found myself reaching for more than any other is “Migaloo” from Bitterleaf Teas, a vendor I have only discovered as of this year, and one that I have been endlessly impressed with. This 2017 Fuding Shou Mei has re-awakened my passion for that green-acorn, marzipan, almond milk goodness that fans of this genre of Bai Cha will no doubt be familiar with.

Following hot on the heels of the great Migaloo is the formidable “Honey Water” from Settling Tea: another new vendor to me. I am specifically speaking about the 2017 release, as I believe this is a semi-regularly released staple for the vendor. This is just a straight up great Raw, especially for this early-summer weather that has me sitting outside in the blissful kiss of the sun. Notes of (surprise, surprise) honey and soft peach with a zippy, bright and comfortable Qi that keeps me reaching for the sample that I was kindly sent for review.

There are others of course, with some honourable mentions coming to mind: Yunnan Sourcing’s Classical Duck Shit Dan Cong, White2Tea’s tea club exclusive “XXXMas” semi-aged, blended Raw Puerh amongst others that lay at the top of my ever-growing pile of tea.

I hope you enjoyed this week’s post, and that you will consider giving some of these teas a try if you haven’t already. Let me know on Instagram if you have, and give me any feedback you have so that my ramblings can be justified by the attention of others…

I hope you have something lovely in your cup regardless,

Until next week,



Blog Post Three: General Tea and Existential Musings